Raw Milk Pick-Up Program:

Raw milk is purchased as Pet Milk or through our Herd Share Agreement

How It Works:

Join our on-farm raw milk pick-up program and enjoy fresh milk straight from the source! Choose a convenient pick-up day—Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday—and select your weekly quantity. Your milk will be ready for pick-up at 9 AM on your designated day. For your convenience, we store the milk in our pick-up fridge for up to three days, giving you flexibility in case of unexpected delays. If you’re traveling, you can arrange for a friend or family member to pick up your milk or notify us to skip your order that week.


- $12 per gallon  

- $8 per half-gallon  

- $9 per quart of yogurt 

Operating Procedures

Cleanliness is paramount, and we maintain a milking parlor and processing room where milk is filtered, orders are filled, and equipment is meticulously cleaned. Milk is rapidly chilled in our bulk cooling tank to ensure quality and longevity. We adhere to a strict Risk Analysis and Management Plan and Standard Sanitary Operating Procedures developed for our farm in conjunction with The Raw Milk Institute. Our raw milk is lab-tested weekly to ensure quality and safety. We are listed with the Raw Milk Institute, demonstrating our commitment to safety and education.


About Our Cows

We have a small herd of Jersey cows focusing on old world genetics. Our cows are rotational grazed on carefully managed pastures 365 days a year. During milking, they receive a small ration of organic non-gmo feed and minerals, this constitutes less than 5% of their overall diet but is rich in essential nutrients. We adhere to organic farming practices and regenerative pasture management while prioritizing the health and wellness of our cows over production.


Join us and enjoy the benefits of fresh, wholesome raw milk! 

With eight years of experience in working with raw milk, what began as a single cow for our family's needs has grown into a thriving community offering.