Dairy FAQ
What is a Herd Share?
A herd share is a contractual agreement between a farmer and individuals who purchases a share in a herd of animals. In exchange for their investment, individuals receive a portion of the milk, meat, or other products produced by that herd.
What is Pet Milk?
Pet milk refers to raw milk specifically labeled for pet consumption. Our pet milk is collected using the same methods as our Herd Share milk; the ONLY difference is the labeling. If you prefer not to purchase a Herd Share, you are welcome to try our pet milk.
How Long Does the Milk Last?
Our milk can last up to two weeks when refrigerated. Cleanliness and proper sanitation are top priorities on our farm. Clean animals and equipment significantly contribute to the longevity of raw milk. After collection, the milk is filtered and rapidly chilled in our bulk cooling tank, which locks in freshness and ensures high-quality, long-lasting milk.
What Do the Cows Eat?
Our herd of Jersey cows primarily eats grass. In addition, they receive a small ration of organic grain while being milked, which constitutes less than 5% of their overall feed intake. This grain is rich in minerals and nutrients that support the health and well being of our cows.
The Raw Milk Institute and Lab Tested Milk
Our farm is proud to be listed with the Raw Milk Institute. We follow a rigorous Risk Analysis and Management Plan along with Standard Sanitary Operating Procedures that have been specifically developed for our farm in partnership with the Raw Milk Institute. To maintain the highest quality standards, our raw milk is lab tested each week, ensuring that we comply with bacterial test standards for both Coliforms and Standard Plate Counts. For the latest lab results and more information about the Raw Milk Institute, please visit their website.
Vaccines, Antibiotics, and Allopathic Medicine
Vaccinations are not a routine practice in our animal husbandry, but there are times when we choose to vaccinate calves to protect them from environmental viruses and bacteria that could otherwise be life-threatening. While we use vaccinations sparingly, we keep them as an option to ensure the health and well-being of our animals.
The same principle applies to antibiotics. If a cow or calf becomes ill and requires antibiotics or other forms of allopathic medicine to survive, relieve pain, or recover, we will use those resources as needed. However, if any animal is treated with medication, we make sure her milk is not included in the bulk tank. We always adhere to the required withdrawal periods for all medications.
Our cows’ health and wellbeing is our top priority, and we are committed to caring for them in the best way possible. Preventive care, such as providing high-quality grass, clean water, minerals and fresh air, is the best place to start.