CSA Member Information and Frequently Asked Questions

We’re ready to start harvesting these beautiful greens for you!

We’re ready to start harvesting these beautiful greens for you!

Welcome to your CSA information page! Here we will cover important information regarding new pickup procedures due to COVID-19, pickup start dates, location details and more.

Please follow the links below:

Start Dates and Pickup Procedure

Payments - check or cash balance reminder & how to pay

New pickup day: Saturday at the farm!

Missed Pick up and Changing Locations

Start Dates and Pickup Procedure

***Please note that if you signed up for a Half Share, you will be assigned to Group 1 or Group 2, which will determine your every-other-week schedule, beginning either at the May date listed below, or beginning the following week.***


  • Farm - Tuesday (4pm-6pm)

  • 12 South (Las Paletas) - Tuesday (4pm-6pm)


  • Richland Park Market - Saturday (9am-12pm)

  • Farm - Saturday (9am-12pm)

End Dates and other notes:

The CSA typically ends in early December. Exact dates TBA, depending on your share size and pickup location.

We will not have pickups Thanksgiving week (Tuesday Nov. 24 and Saturday Nov. 26) and will bring extra produce the week before.

Pickup Procedure

We are still taking the COVID-19 pandemic very seriously. Please carefully read the new pickup procedures to help keep our staff and fellow CSA members safe:

Contact-free pickups:

Our pickup locations will be set up for contact-free pickup. The farmer staffing the pickup will be wearing a mask and gloves and maintaining 6 ft distance from CSA members. We ask that you wear a mask and maintain 6 ft distance from our farmers and other CSA members.

Shares will be packed into plastic bags for easy and safe pickup. Just like many of you, we hate using so much plastic. However, under the circumstances, this packaging is our best current option to keep your produce as fresh as possible while minimizing handling.

We will have different procedures for our three pickup locations, so please identify your chosen location below and follow the protocol when you arrive for pickup:

Farm (Tuesday 4-6pm or Saturday 10am-12pm) - 5188 Old Hickory Blvd. Nashville, TN 37218


Farm pickup shed

This one!

When you pull into the farm driveway, you will see our main barn on the left (if you cross the creek you’ve gone too far!) At the entrance to our main barn you will see the cedar-sided pickup building. Bags will be on the shelf for you to take (1 bag = 1 share). Please wait your turn if another member is picking up and do not crowd the pickup area.

12 South Las Paletas (Tuesday 4-6pm) - 2911 12 Ave S. Nashville, TN 37204 (MAP)

Enter the Las Paletas parking lot from 12 Avenue South and drive to our tent towards the far end of the lot. One of our farmers will be there to check your name off our list and place your bagged share into your trunk or hand it through your vehicle window. From there, continue to the alley way where you can turn right, then take another right onto Kirkwood Ave. to reach 12 South Ave. again.

Richland Park Farmers’ Market (Saturday 10am-12pm) - 4711 Charlotte Ave. Nashville, TN 37209 (MAP)

Park at Richland Park and find our market tent under the big oak tree closest to the library. One of our farmers will be there to check your name off our list and we will have your bagged share under the tent and on a table for quick pickup. Tell us your name and we’ll place your bagged share on the pickup table. Then we will step back and you can grab your share. We will sanitize after every bag!

The market managers are requiring all vendors and customers to wear a mask. Please CLICK HERE to read the market’s safety requirements for shoppers and vendors Don’t forget, there will be other vendors at market that offer online pre-orders so you can still pick up your favorite market items after picking up your CSA share from us.

Full Share Remaining Balance:

$100 deposit paid at sign up

Farm pick up: $700

12 South: $715

Richland Park: $715

Half Share Remaining Balance:

$50 deposit paid at sign up

Farm pick up: $370

12 South: $385

Richland Park: $385

Payments - Check or Cash

Check or Cash payments are due at your first pickup and must be given to us in an envelope with the name you registered with and your pickup location.

If by mail, please send check to:

Bells Bend Farms

5194 Old Hickory Blvd.

Nashville, TN 37218

Please include with payment the name you signed up with and your pickup location.

Saturday Farm Pickup Option

We are offering an additional pickup option Saturday at the farm from 10am-12pm for members signed up for the Richland Park pickup. The farm is only 10 minutes from the Richland Park location and a nice place to visit! CLICK HERE to fill out the pickup change form and help us create even less crowding at pickup. This change is does not need to be permanent and you can switch back if we have some notice.

Missed Pickups and Changing Pickup Locations

If you need to miss a pickup, please let us know at least 24 hours beforehand and we can usually accommodate your request. Email eric@bellsbendfarms.com

Depending on how busy the week is, it may take a little while to respond to your email. Thanks in advance for your patience.

Before you contact us about changing locations, try to send a friend to pick up your share.  If you won't be able to make it, please give us at least 24 hours notice. 

Permanent pick up changes are easy for us.  Please send us an email with the pick up location you would like to switch to and the date you would like the change to be implemented.